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Customer Cars: Roland Schlimm's 1974 Sunflower Yellow 2.0L 914

Sunday, April 17, 2022 7:51 PM

We love seeing what exciting projects our customers are currently working on. Every month we would like to showcase a couple of cars in whatever state they are in - on the road or on the rack.

This month's customer car story comes from Roland Schlimm and his 1974 Sunflower Yellow 2.0L.

Roland bought the car in 1990 after his first '72 914 had the suspension cave in under the battery. He had spent over a year specifically looking for a 1974 to replace it with and finally found one in Delaware.After driving it for a number of years Roland decided it was time to invest in freshening it up back in 2004. Over the course of the next decade he had pulled the motor, had it rebuilt, and completely disassembled the car for paint.

In 2019 it finally made it to the paint shop. After a couple years of reassembly it was road ready and inspected in 2021. After more than 3 decades with the car filled with persistence, frustration, patience, and of course money, it is an absolute treat to drive. Great work Roland, and thanks for sharing the story of this beautiful car with us!

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